It’s really important to know our passion to have a fulfilling career.  For most of my life, finding my passion eluded me, even though I spent countless hours reading self-help books, trying new things, and building things to find it.  It’s a lot harder than it sounds to find our passion.  When something is easy and we are validated by it, it’s easy to mistake all the accolades for our passion.  On the other hand, when something is hard but we love it, we sometimes question if it truly is our passion when it is so challenging for us.  I asked the guides to teach us how to find our passion.  Let’s see what they have to teach us about it.

Who will assist us today?  Metatron, an angel of alchemical mastery, and Xavier, my galactic angels who specialize in creator energy, will assist us today.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

How do we know we are passionate about something?

Metatron: This is a great place to start because without advanced discernment, it is hard to tell.  As you alluded to in the introduction, how do you differentiate between something you love and something you are validated for?  So, to answer this question, let us set up an example.  Let’s say you love accounting, genuinely, but it is difficult for you.  The debits and the credits confuse you, the nitty gritty of it eludes you, but the big picture fascinates you to no end.  You love analyzing financial statements but before you can get there you have to do the nitty gritty, which not only eludes you, you do not care for the attention to detail it takes.  This is a common scenario that many people go through and it confuses them about their passion.  What we are trying to teach you is that it is easy for you to know what is your passion.  For this fictional person we made up, they love analysis.  However, if they intellectualize and over analyze their situation, they may believe they do not because they fundamentally do not get the way accounting is taught, which emphasizes the nitty gritty over the big picture. 

Let us pivot to another example.  Food.  So, you are at the grocery store and you see a pomegranate.  You absolutely LOVE pomegranates.  There is no doubt in your mind that it is your favorite fruit.  However, you hate the process of peeling a pomegranate, it is messy, time-consuming, and oh so tedious.  So, in this trip to the grocery store, you skip it because you do not have the time or energy to do all the work to access the good parts of a pomegranate.  This is what many of you do with your careers.  There is some barrier to entry and you miss out on your passion because the barrier is intolerable to you.  Some of you reading this at this moment, feel guilt.  You believe we are telling you that you should buck up, suck it up, and just get with it.  No.  No.  No.  That is not a good idea.  So, what you can do is, you can begin to engage the intellectual mind to solve a problem.  You love pomegranates but hate the process of getting to eat it.  What do you do?  Well, you can find someone who does like the process of peeling and extracting the pomegranate and you can pay them for it.  We know that it is a silly example, but nonetheless that is what you are being called to do.  If the passion belongs to you, there is a solution.  We are going to repeat that.  If the passion belongs to you, there is a solution.  Do not let obstacles keep you from your passion.  Also, do not go out and power through the obstacle by pushing yourself through something you absolutely hate because that is a recipe for burnout.  If you do that, you will confuse the energy and it will take you longer to be able to recognize your passion.

So, to answer the question, deep down in your soul centeredness, you know if you love something.  When something merely validates you, it won’t keep your attention when no one is watching.  When you merely like something, you will give up on it when it becomes challenging.  When you are passionate about something, no matter how challenging it gets, it consumes you.  You think about it.  You obsess over it, even when no one is watching or if no one but you cares about what you are talking about.  Sometimes, humans are faced with these kinds of situations, precisely to show you that you love something.  So, notice what you are noticing and honor the awareness that comes from that noticing.  The more aware you become, the more discerning you get, and the more clarity will come.  Over time, as you begin to acknowledge your passion, it becomes a well-fitting glove.  Something that’s comfortable for you to be in, joyful, and so engaging that time stops when you are in it.  This is how you know you are in your passion. 

How do we find that passion?

Xavier: It seems like there’s some complicated syllabus we are going to impart to you and after you spin your wheels for hours, you will get there.  No, it does not work that way.  It’s very simple to find your passion: Ask to know it, intend to be open to how that comes, and then engage with the opportunities that the universe brings you.  At the end of our answer, we will leave you all with an affirmation you can use.  Say this three times a day, either before you begin your day or as you end it before you sleep, and you will move the energy to be able to find your passion. 

What we want to discuss here is the over analysis that goes into finding one’s passion.  We understand that there are many books written on this topic and we honor the work that goes into many of these books but we are here to tell you that it is not hard.  It’s hard because you humans make it hard.  We will repeat that because it is very important.  It’s hard because you make it hard.  So, stop making it hard and today, honor that it can be an easy and natural process as you allow yourself to be in your passion.

So, you can try new things to find your passion, take classes, and even engage in different types of media, such as books and films, to see if you like a particular subject matter.  These are not bad things to engage in, however, we think it is not necessary to do all these things.  You cannot escape your passion.  That is the truth of the matter.  In Metatron’s example above about the pomegranate, you may be able to skip the pomegranate the first time but if you do, you will obsess about it until you finally figure out how to overcome the obstacle of your hate of peeling and extracting the pomegranate.  So, you can try new things to find your passion but we think a more useful exercise is to look at where your thoughts go during the day.  What do you pine for?  What do you deny yourself that you cannot let go of?  What do you always wish you can do?  Sometimes, when you answer these questions, you are in escapism.  You have gotten to the point in your career where all you want to do is escape, so you make up whatever is not your career.  Anything but what you are doing now is what you pine for.  In these cases, it’s important to get past your escapism and look at your life.  What is a constant that has always been there?  What do you always chase?  What do you think about when you don’t have an audience?  What do you discuss with yourself when you don’t have to engage someone else?  Remember that your passion is in you and this is why you can’t escape it. 

We also want to give you a ruler for how to decide when you are passionate about something versus when you are not.  When you are passionate about something, it gives you energy.  It lights you up.  It consumes you.  It’s fire in your belly that moves you forward almost magically.  No matter how tired you are, you will engage in what you are passionate about because it will supercharge you in your tiredness.  Things you are not passionate about drains your energy.  When you are super tired, you cannot engage in something you are not passionate about.  You cannot muster the energy because it does not produce that fire in your belly that supercharges you.  It drains you and when you don’t have that energy to drain, you simply won’t engage as a human. 

So, now for the affirmation for how to find your passion.  Say this three times a day until you get to clarity about what you are passionate about:

Universe, show me what lights up the fire in my belly: what consumes me, what I am passionate about, what I am willing to do even when no one is watching. I release my resistances to finding and experiencing my passion.  I am gaining clarity on my truth and how my truth lights up my passion.  And so it is. 

I have to ask about those of us with ADHD.  A lot of things elude us and we can’t stomach doing things we don’t like.  Is finding our passion different for us?

Xavier: The short answer is no, but we do want to add what makes you unique.  You are creators at heart.  You have creator energy in you.  You have a brain that looks for joy.  When we say, human’s passion is in them, that is exponentially true for you.  Your brain cannot engage in things you are not passionate about, so you must double down on the problem solving that Metatron alluded to above. Take it seriously and do not power through as has already been mentioned for your burn out point is a lot shorter than those with neurotypical brains.

We wish to say that you have to look at this as a gift.  How wonderful is it that the universe gave you a brain that inherently looks for joy?  Yes, it makes certain daily tasks difficult, but the bigger picture is that you are being tasked to build that joyful world that your brain can live peacefully in, where your brain can be in joy.  This is a gift. The answer is in you.  Honor that and honor yourself and you will get to the creator energy that is inherently within you. 

I want to ask about those of us who are mid-career who have always hated our jobs and careers, but we don’t have clarity on what to replace those careers with.  What do we do to pivot to a career we are passionate about?

Metatron: We have been awaiting this question from you for some time.  Those of you who are suffering through careers you are not that into, what you need to do first is to begin to honor that you are worthy of love.  Love yourself exactly as you are and give yourself the love that you need to be able to claim that passion that is inherently within you. 

When you suffer through a career that you are not that into, it is like staying in a relationship with someone you don’t inherently love and know you don’t love them.  You do this because this mild situation is all you allow yourself to be worthy of.  You are worthy of more.  You are worthy of experiencing that fire in your belly for it is an exquisite experience on Earth to be in the flow of your passion.  To get there, there must be a certain level of self love within your energetic system.  So, store up your self love and you will begin to manifest for yourself something more than what you mildly like, or what you merely tolerate.  It’s about loving yourself enough to know you are worthy of more.  Self love is different from validation.  Self love is about loving yourself exactly as you are, no matter how you perceive your situation: whether you think it is good or bad.  When you do this, you will move forward in a really big way.  Call on our energies to assist you and we will bouy you up to get started. 

This is a good time to close this post.  Any last messagees?

Metatron: Careers are about being the truth of who you truly are.  This is a complex process of honoring yourself, loving yourself, and seeing your journey as a curiculum that allowed you to stand in the power  of all that you are, whether you perceive it to be good or bad.  The obstacles in your life are teachers.  What is it teaching you?  What are you not hearing?  What do you need to be aware of to finally claim the totality of who you are?  Look into your history and look for what has been constant.  Your passion is in you.  You are born with it.  It never leaves you.  You have been doing it all your life.  What is that?  Reflect.  Become aware.  Discern. Then, clairty will come.  And so it is. 

Thank you for time and energy!  This has been an illluminating post.

Xavier: Your light is in you.  Say those affirmations and we will support your journey to getting clarity about the fire in your belly.  And so it is.