X, who are 55 higher dimensional beings, have a message for us today.  For an introduction to X, please read their first message, Introducing X – Teachers of Universal Ascension. For a list of all of X’s messages, please click on Category –> X.  As per the regular convention of this blog, in italics is the directly channeled message from the guides, verbatim, with no commentary from me.

Message #10

We will begin this teaching by defining forgiveness.  Forgiveness is the release of resentment.  We will repeat that because it is very important.  Forgiveness is the release of resentment.  The source of resentment is truly not important, although, we wish to acknowledge that the source, for some, may be heavy and requires recognition from them.  By this, we mean that it is important for you, who may have felt victimized by an ill event, to recognize how you truly feel.  That is recognition and it is an important last step to transmutation, which is what we are speaking of when we talk about forgiveness.  To release resentment is to transmute it first. 

We will begin by telling you a story.  After we tell you the story, we will show you how forgiveness works energetically and how it benefits you as you move through the physical plane you call Earth.  Now to our story.  Let us say there is a man and a woman, a couple.  This couple have young children and the wife in this duo has decided she wants to go back to school. Loving her career and being a perennial achiever, she does not want to quit working to achieve her goals.  This couple hatches a plan that involves the husband quitting his job to stay home with the kids.  He is okay with this because he wishes to start a business and he believes staying home with the kids will assist him in getting started.  As the wife gets ready to matriculate, the husband separates from his job, and they begin a new tempo at home. 

As they begin their new routines together, the wife finds that it is difficult for her to contribute to their home life because when she is not working or at school, she must prepare for her rigorous courses.  The husband, in turn, is surprised at how difficult it is to keep a home and is disappointed that he feels like a single dad.  He sees his dreams of starting a business fading as he prioritizes his young family before his own ambitions.  Now, at this point, we see people beginning to take sides as we tune in to the energy in the matrix.  It is important to understand that this is the complexity of forgiveness.  For what we wish to teach you is that there is no real perpetrator, at least not in the way humans think there are when they feel they have been deceived or wronged in some way. 

Turning back to our story, some of you may be foreshadowing what might occur.  For us to teach you forgiveness, we must introduce a plot twist.  As this marriage struggles on, the wife begins an affair with a classmate, who is equally as ambitious as her.  This affair is not a love match and feeling guilty, the wife confesses her transgressions to her husband.  Furious, he asks for a trial separation.  Now, we ask you all, what do you do you think the outcome of this story should be?

Whatever outcome you believe it should be, understand that you don’t know what you don’t know when it comes to other people’s soul fragmentation.  This is what is difficult with forgiveness.  When forgiveness is the soul lesson, the energetic bind usually involves at least two people.  That means, there is an attractant shared by all involved.  So, when we asked you the question, what do you think should be the outcome of this story?  Many of you took sides.  He should leave her.  She should be forgiven.  The truth of the matter, however, is that they are both complicit for they share a soul fragment, the attractant that created the situation. 

Before we move forward, there is a fixation on this classmate by some in the matrix.  This classmate is irrelevant to our teaching on forgiveness.  He has his own soul fragmentation to deal with, yes, but in terms of the outcome of the story, a story of forgiveness, he is a temporary character.  Those of you who fixate on him as if he is a major player in this, have a soul fragmentation on avoidance.  You are avoiding the crux of the matter, which we will explain in a minute.  It is not to feel bad about this, but to recognize that it is okay for you to confront whomever it was that has done you wrong.  You don’t need to avoid it and dealing with your avoidance will set you free.  So, that is that. 

To have a productive conversation about forgiveness, we wish to continue our story by telling you all what the shared attractant is between these two.  That soul fragmentation is the need for boundaries and the need to speak one’s truth. 

We will begin with the husband for he seems to have been wronged in our story.  Yes, he was, but he also has a responsibility to it.  You see, the husband’s responsibility is in speaking his truth about boundaries.  When the situation was discussed, he did not take into account what he wanted, he simply allowed his wife to have all that she wanted.  Some of you are thinking, what a selfless thing to do.  That is one perspective, but a more accurate one is that he did not love himself enough to say, maybe you should take less classes so that I can also have what I want.  That lack of self-love may border on self-hate if he always does this.  Understand what self-hate is, self-hate energy begins aggregating in the body when you, like the husband, always deny yourself of what you want.  It is one thing if he asked his wife to take less classes, but not saying anything at all means that he did not even consider his own wants.  That is, he denied himself what he truly wanted out of life.  If one repeatedly does this, it begins to aggregate in the body as self-hate because aspects of you, who naturally want to reach their full potential, begin to resent you.  When they resent you a little, they are fragmented.  When they begin to resent you a lot that is self-hate.  Self-hate is a boulder in the body.  We will explain in a moment what boulders do energetically. 

Understand that we use the word resent very specifically in the last paragraph.  That there is resentment means that there is something this man needs to be forgiven for.

What about the wife?  What is her responsibility?  Well, many of you see her as the transgressor and you are not wrong. However, remember that lessons of forgiveness involve a shared attractant.  We are by no means excusing cheating.  To do it is to create a boulder in your body, which will take substantial amounts of energy to transmute.  The wife’s responsibility in this story is similar to her husband’s because it is the shared attractant.  Her responsibility to this situation is that she needs boundaries with her work and in the same way her husband needs to speak his truth, she needs to make authentic life decisions.  You see, to make authentic life decisions is to operate in your truth.  The crux of this soul lesson is the same as her husband’s: she must love herself enough to be in the truth of all that she is.  In this story, she has abdicated that truth to a system of validation provided by her job and her schooling.  In that abdication, she has allowed poor boundaries that include neglecting her responsibilities in the home. This is a difficult soul lesson.  Understand that, like the husband, we are speaking of aspects of self who are in conflict with one another, a kind of karmic wheel.  There is an aspect of self in this woman who feels empowered by the validation and another aspect of self who wishes to spend more time with her family and feels oppressed by the other aspect’s need for that validation.  Understand the complexity: the behavior that empowers one aspect, oppresses another.  This is a kind of karmic lock within the person and she may have difficulty even being aware that there is a fragmentation, depending on which aspect is dominant.  This is why the triggering event for her is so extreme. Sometimes, to make you aware, the high-self calls for a triggering event that will facilitate that awareness.  As she begins to feel intense guilt for her transgression with her classmate, she can become aware of how far she has gone from who she truly is.  In this awareness, she can recognize that she is in a kind of karmic lock.  Once she transmutes one of the aspects of herself, it will begin to be easier to transmute the other, who is resentful of being denied who they truly are. 

So, you see a pattern here, do you not?  Both of them share an attractant:  a soul fragmentation that is intensely resentful of them.  This soul fragment may have been empowered for so long that it might have escalated to the level self-hate, which creates a boulder. 

This is when we teach about forgiveness, true forgiveness.  How do you forgive?  Let us begin by what you are taught on the earth plane.  On Earth, as humans, you are taught that the husband needs to forgive the wife.  Understand why this works.  This works because as the husband forgives his wife, he is really forgiving himself.  When he forgives her for acting on their shared attractant, he is really forgiving himself.  This is a much slower way of forgiving than what we are about to teach you.  There is also a belief that the wife does not have anything to forgive because she is the transgressor.  That might be the perception, but the truth of the energy is that she must forgive herself if this relationship has any chance of surviving.  We will explain that more fully in a moment. 

How do you transmute this energy much faster?  If the husband works hard to become aware of his responsibility to the situation and begins to be in recognition of the shared soul fragmentation, when he forgives himself, he forgives her at the same time.  We will repeat that because it is the crux of our teaching here.  When he forgives himself, he forgives her.  When he forgives himself, he transmutes his responsibility to the situation, the shared soul fragmentation.  What he believes as a need to forgive her, is really a need to forgive himself.  When he forgives himself directly, he will make a quantum leap in this soul fragmentation.  Do you see this?  When he forgives himself directly, he will make a quantum leap.  He can also go through the route of forgiving her, but that is a much slower path because he will only recognize his own responsibility to the shared attractant little by little.  This is because of his perception that he is forgiving her and not recognizing that in forgiving her, he is forgiving himself. 

Now, let us say that the husband is successful in making this quantum leap beautifully.  Does the relationship survive?  It is possible, though not guaranteed, if she also recognizes her need to forgive herself.  It is not possible if she does not and we wish to explain why.  When the husband makes a quantum leap, he is no longer in agreement to the shared attractant, the soul fragmentation.  If she does not forgive herself, then she is still in agreement to the attractant.  If she is and the husband is not, eventually they will fall out of frequency and he will move on to someone with a more like vibration.  This is how energy works.

Let us say that she does recognize the need to forgive herself and she is able to do this.  Understand that because she is the transgressor in this scenario, that her karmic burden is a bit heavier than the husband’s.  She likely needs to work harder to transmute the shadows she has created within herself.  If she is successful, the marriage may survive.  What will determine whether it does will be what is in each person’s blueprint.  If the learning is done in this relationship, it will naturally end.  However, if the learning is not done, then the marriage may survive.  When we say learning, there are some of you in the matrix that are triggered.  We hear thoughts such as, why put this man through more?  What did he do to deserve this?  Yes, we hear you, however, when we say learning, it is not always negative, it is not always about a soul fragmentation.  Some couples have it in the blueprint to learn to grow old together and this process is not always a dramatic one.  It can be one of joy and supporting one another as they deal with issues of aging and other matters.  Blueprints are complex things that cannot be fully grasped by the human mind so there is no right or wrong answer whether or not couples should remain together after experiencing such a boulder together.  Some have decided to part ways, others have decided to stay on course and that will make their union even stronger.  Those that part ways will build a stronger union with another person. Whatever the outcome, after release of the soul fragmentation, there will be much more freedom in one’s life for each has learned a major soul lesson along the way.   

Now, we wish to educate you about this concept of a boulder and self-hate.  We have told you that repeatedly denying yourself what you truly want, what is in your soul-centered truth breeds self-hate. This is because aspects of you naturally want to reach their full potential, when it is soul-centered.  When you deny aspects of yourself to reach their soul-centeredness, you deny them self-love and that regular denial of self-love will morph into self-hate.  Self-hate is a boulder within the body. 

We wish to explain now why boulders are so energetically difficult to transmute.  Boulders do three things energetically.  First, they magnetize on to you whatever the contents of the boulder are.  When you hold on to the boulder, you will experience more of the same.  In our story above, if the wife or the husband fail to recognize their own responsibility to the situation, the shared attractant, the high-self will keep calling for similar situations to assist them in becoming aware.  Second, you give away your light to a boulder for it takes a great deal of energy to fuel boulders.  This means that you are voluntarily holding yourself back from your own soul-centered manifestation when you empower a boulder because you are choosing a soul fragmentation over your own movement forward to soul-centered manifestation.  Third, when boulders are not being dealt with by the personality, that is, they are completely unaware of them and bury the guilt that comes from hoarding or empowering a boulder, the high-self will often call for a triggering event to stop you from making the boulder bigger.  Triggering events look different for everyone.  In our story above, the wife’s cheating was a triggering event that assisted her to become aware of her soul fragmentation and assisted her husband in discovering the shared attractant.

We see in the matrix that there are questions about how to deal with self-hate energy when you have been self sacrificial for most of your life.  That is, you were not aware this was a fragmentation.  To transmute self-hate, begin to make fully authentic decisions and give yourself what you want.  It might be difficult at first, just as it was for this channel, but over time as you give yourself more and more of what you authentically want, it will become easier for you to recognize your soul-centered wants.  One trick we have taught this channel is to set the intention to love yourself unconditionally and this intention will empower your guides to assist you in loving yourself more unconditionally. Unconditional self-love is the ultimate anecdote to transmuting self-hate.

There has been much taught in this moment.  We will now leave you as we always do and that is to remind you that we are always assisting you in the matrix.  Call on our energies for support and it will be so.  And, so it is. 

You are loved more than you know.