The guides suggested we do a post about how judgements breed rigidity.  Let’s see what they have to say about this topic.

Who will assist us today?  Seraphim, my angelic guides, and Kahuna Nui Sebastian, an Ascended Master who specializes in energetics behind the healing journey, will assist us today.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

What are judgements, and what is its effect on our energetic body?

Seraphim: This is a good place to start because humans often do not understand how judgements work.  Let us begin by getting to a shared understanding of what judgement is.  Judgement is any negative energy about any being or thing that exists on earth.  We are going to repeat that because it is very important.  A judgement is any negative energy, that manifests itself as a thought or action or something else, about any being or thing that exists on earth.  We presented you with a very broad definition of judgement because it is very broad.  When you have a negative thought about something or someone, it is a judgement.  Again, we will repeat because it is important.  When humans have a negative thought about something or someone, it is a judgement.  It is not to feel bad that you have judgmental thoughts but it is necessary for you to be aware that you are having them.  This is the purpose of this post as humans are often unaware that they are in judgement.  Observations are very different energy than judgement for an observation often feels neutral and it is of neutral energy.  Judgement is not neutral.

Energetically, when judgements aggregate within the energetic body, it has the power to create a triggering event, when it is allowed to fester.  That is, the high self, at some point, will want you to be aware that you are in judgement.  In needing to make you aware, a triggering event that makes you aware you are in judgement will often occur.  This is why it is often very important to be aware of judgement and to transmute them as soon as you are aware of them. 

How can we be aware we are in judgement?  What is the root cause of being judgmental?

Sebastian: As Seraphim has alluded to, judgements are, very broadly, negative energy.  This is any energy that is neither positive nor neutral.  When you are in judgement, you feel off – that is, there is a feeling that you are not in a neutral space.  Judgement feels uncomfortable, even when you feel righteous in that judgement.  There is often guilt that follows a judgmental thought.  Being aware of the discomfort in the body when judgement occurs is the first step in understanding how to transmute your judgmental thoughts.

Now, it’s important to discuss the root cause of judgements.  Before we get there, we wish to educate readers about how energy works.  As humans, you are very magnetic.  You will magnetize to you those situations that allow you to learn what you need to learn according to your blueprint or whatever karmic lessons you have decided to learn in this lifetime.  We will repeat because it is very important.  Humans are very magnetic.  The people that you attract and that are attracted to you are not random.  If there was no point of attraction, they would not be in your life.  We repeat, the people in your lives are not random.  If there was no point of attraction, they would not be in your life.  So, if they are, there is a reason. 

This brings up the root cause of most judgements: it is a teacher of some karmic lesson for you.  It is either a mirror to your soul fragmentation, or it is what we refer to as a karmic hook.  We will begin the discussion with karmic mirrors first.  A karmic mirror is a mirror that shows you your own behavior.  The purpose of a karmic mirror is to make you aware of a behavior that you are not aware of and this behavior is not positive in nature.  You see, humans, often judge and believe that the judgement goes only one way.  This was done to me.  However, the law of attraction works in both positive and negative directions.  If it is happening to you, it is happening for you.  That is, it is happening to make you aware of your own soul fragmentation. If you do not know, at the onset, what mirror your judgement is showing you, it is often helpful for humans to look at their behavior to themselves.  Are you kind to self?  Do you believe in yourself, or do you often dishonor your own hard work?  Are you in self-love most of the time, even when things are not going well?  These are the things you should ask yourself to assist you in figuring out what the situation or person is mirroring to you, if you are not already aware. 

Now, we move on to explain what karmic hooks are.  Karmic hooks occur when there is a soul fragmentation in someone that is being empowered by a soul fragmentation in someone else.  We are going to use cheating in romantic relationships to illustrate this point.  Let us say there is a man and a woman in a relationship.  In our last message, where we used this example, the man was the cheater.  So, to be fair to both genders, in this example, it will be the woman who cheats.  The woman cheats on her boyfriend because he works too much.  She feels that he does not give her the attention she needs and she does not feel loved.  Her soul fragmentation is that of abandonment and not-enoughness.  That is, she is enough when she is given attention but she is not enough when she is not given attention.  The reason the man works so hard, to the point of neglecting relationships, is that being accomplished makes him feel special.  It is an addiction to accomplishment.  If he is accomplished, he is enough.  If he is not accomplished, he is not enough.  If he is able to financially shower his girlfriend with gifts, he feels this should be enough and she should understand why he needs to work.  His soul fragmentation has to do with his need to be worthy through material things.  Now that we have finished the example, we will explain the karmic hook in these two who are in a romantic relationship.  The woman’s soul fragment NEEDS attention and craves it through time.  The man’s soul fragment also NEEDS attention but he craves this through accomplishment.  The woman’s soul fragment feels abandoned when her boyfriend does not spend time with her whereas the man’s soul fragment feels unworthy when he doesn’t work enough to be accomplished.  This sometimes shows up as a competitive spirit.   So, what triggers the woman’s soul fragment empowers the man’s soul fragment and they are in a never ending hook like a circular treadmill.  Karmic hooks are very difficult to break and essentially, the way most humans get out of such a karmic hook is that one or both partners begin to surrender to their need to be loved the way they feel they deserve to be loved.  When either partner is able to deal with their soul fragmentation, their karmic attraction ends and they energetically ascend to the next part of their blueprint.

Just to be clear, karmic hooks don’t only play out in romantic relationships, right?

Sebastian: That is correct.  Karmic hooks can occur in any relationship.  In the previous example we delineated, it occurred in a romantic relationship, however, there are many instances of karmic hooks in other types of relationships.  Whenever one person’s fragmentation empowers another person’s fragmentation, this is a karmic hook.  We took time to explain it in detail because it is very difficult to transmute and identifying your responsibility to a soul fragment is one of the first steps to its transmutation. 

What do we need to do to transmute judgements to avoid creating triggering events that force us to be aware that we are in judgement?

Seraphim: This is precisely why we recommended this article to be written.  Before we go through the process of transmutation, we wish to elaborate on why triggering events occur.  Understand that judgement is energy – one that is neither positive nor neutral. When you aggregate enough negative energy in the body, it breeds energetic contraction – that is, you are not ascending and are contracting.  The purpose of any incarnation is to ascend.  To move through and complete the lessons of the blueprint is to ascend.  When one is not aware, they are usually not ascending.  To become aware, a triggering even often occurs so that the blueprint moves forward.

Now, we wish to explain how to transmute judgements.  The first thing that needs to occur is that you need to be aware you are in judgement.  This is difficult for humans because they are often not aware they are in judgement.  We will repeat what has already been said and that is, when you are neither positive nor neutral, you are usually in judgement and there is a transmutation that needs to occur.  Once you are aware, what you need to do is to explain to yourself in simple terms what is the mirror or the karmic hook.  This is important because it is a test of awareness.  If you cannot succinctly explain it, you do not yet understand why you are in judgement.  Once you understand the karmic mirror or hook you are dealing with, the next thing you need to do is to ask, ‘What is my responsibility to this karmic mirror or karmic hook?’  This step is the step that will transmute the negative energy that arises from the karmic mirror or the karmic hook.  What you are asking is what is the root cause of the negative energy?  Once you identify that root cause, you will transmute all the negative energy from that judgement throughout time and space. 

I’d like to wrap up the earlier example about the girlfriend who cheats on her boyfriend because she feels abandoned.  Essentially, her cheating is the triggering event, isn’t it?  What does her cheating do to her karma and her blueprint?

Seraphim: This is a good way to close this post.  This question is precisely why we recommended the title as it is.  You see, when you are unaware of your judgement, triggering events occur.  Usually, you are unaware because you are rigid.  We repeat, usually, you are unaware because you are rigid.  This means that you are not exploring what your responsibility is to the situation.  So, to move your blueprint forward, the high self often calls for a triggering event to assist you in becoming aware of your responsibility.

Now, we go back to the example.  So, this woman ends up cheating on her hard working, albeit neglectful, boyfriend.  Likely, she feels immense guilt at her action.  This is the body telling her that she is in judgement of her boyfriend’s neglect, which is designed to show the woman her own need to respect her needs to be loved by being with someone who spends time with her.  This awareness is her responsibility.  Honoring that she needs to be with someone who wants to spend time with her is her responsibility.  Once she honors herself in this manner, she will transmute all energies from this karmic lesson, including her cheating. 

Understand that her cheating is not a non-event, energetically.  We do not wish to scare people but the more you ignore your soul lessons and empower them, the more energy it aggregates and the more work you need to do to transmute it.  You see, it is energy for energy and action is energy.  The more you allow your judgements to fester, the more you will have to work to transmute them.  So, this woman will need to work really hard to prove to herself that she is honoring her need to be loved by someone who gives her their time. 

I think this is a good place to close this post.  Any last messages before we close this post?

Sebastian: Do not feel bad for having judgements for the work of Earth is to transmute soul fragmentation.  It is natural to have judgements.  However, equally important is that you work hard at transmuting your judgements by being aware of what your responsibility is to the karmic mirror or karmic hook.  Get to this space where you can explain to yourself what your responsbility to your judgement is and you will transmute this soul lesson throughout time and space.

Thank you very much for your time and energy!

Sebastian: Call on this energy for healing of your judgement and you will be transported to make a quantum leap.  And so it is.

Seraphim: Call on this energy to ride the waves of transmutation and we will show how manifestation is easier when the body is clear of negative energy.  And so it is.