X, who are 55 higher dimensional beings, have a message for us today. For an introduction to X, please read their first message, Introducing X – Teachers of Universal Ascension. For a list of all of X’s messages, please click on Category –> X. As per the regular convention of this blog, in italics is the directly channeled message from the guides, verbatim, with no commentary from me.
Message #8
A new year is a good time to revisit a new you. Not in a way that dishonors who you have been and who you feel you are currently, but in a way that gets you excited about the biggest possibility of you. Who is this person that is the biggest possibility of you? How do they feel about themselves? How do others feel around them? How they react to the circumstances of their lives, both those they perceive to be positive and those they perceive to be negative? Understand what we are teaching you at this moment. We are teaching how to begin telling yourself the story of the biggest possibility of you and in telling yourself this story, it will become much easier to move into this expansive space of joy that embodies the biggest possibility you can be.
Now, it is natural to have negative feelings being incarnate. We wish to teach you how to deal with these matters you feel are negative, whether they are merely feelings or they are tangible circumstances in your life, such as a lack of abundance, ill health, or something similar. You see before something becomes tangible in one’s life, it starts out as feelings. This is why in this post, we are going to teach you how to tell the story of you that is the highest vibration, the fastest frequency you are capable of. In teaching you how to reach the highest possibility of joy you can reach, you can manifest much more clearly and be more joyful in your day to day life no matter what circumstances are occurring in your life.
Again, it is natural to have these things in one’s life that one might be disappointed at. You wish you were a few or more than a few pounds lighter. You may wish you were warmer or more gregarious in social settings. Perhaps, you wish your skill set was more valuable in the open market. Whatever the case may be, it is okay to have these things in your life that you wish would change. So, we have taught this time and time before, and it is the case that if you felt worthy of that thing you desire, if you felt positive about that thing you desire, you would likely have that thing which you desire. If there is a wanting, usually, there is an energetic bridge that must be crossed in order for you to feel good about this thing you wish to manifest in your life. With that said, it is okay to have these things in your life that you do not feel completely positive about, so long as you do not dwell or empower these disappointing or negative feelings.
We are going to use one example of a negative emotion so that you can learn how to transmute these feelings in your life that are less than optimal. We will use the emotion of deep anger to illustrate our method but it will work for any other emotion that you feel is negative. Let us say you have been triggered by someone who treated you like a second-class citizen. This person is a stranger in a store, but they were very clearly dismissive of you for no apparent reason that you can ascertain in the present moment. In that realization, you felt small, maligned, and dishonored to your core. So much so, that a deep-seated anger bubbled up in you and you retaliated towards this rude person by yelling at them. What you yelled does not matter. This is quite a common occurrence on the earth plane and one that can put you off kilter for the rest of the day. The response was automatic and as you replay it in your head over and over, you cannot seem to see a space where your reaction was much better. That is okay, we will explain later in this post how you can minimize such triggers by managing your emotions, through discernment of your daily, seemingly innocuous judgements.
So, what occurred in this exchange for which your triggering was so automatic, it felt like you were watching a movie where you could not prevent the zombie from eating the hero? Well, the first thing that occurred is that there was a point of attraction, a magnetic connection to someone who is mirroring your own behavior towards yourself or towards others. The second thing that occurred is that there is a fragment in you that felt betrayed at the exchange and in that feeling of betrayal, they succumbed to retaliation by exploding their anger towards this stranger. The third thing that likely occurred, though we don’t belabor it in this story is that likely you felt guilty after the retaliatory exchange. You may have also felt vindicated but after that you most likely felt guilt for exploding your anger towards someone else.
What we will teach you today is how to integrate soul fragmentation by examining how you feel. So, let us work backwards for that is likely how you experience such an event. By the time you realize that your reaction is causing guilt, you cannot take back what you have already done. What can be done at this moment of realization, when you are grappling with an intense guilt that can plaque you for the rest of your day? To stop the negative momentum of energy, and to close out the point of attraction that this soul fragmentation is emitting, what you can do is be grateful for the occurrence. We know, you humans think it is weird when we ask you to be grateful for the adverse events in your life, but in being grateful, you open up your energy to synchronicities that lead you to the biggest possibility of you. Simply put, when you are grateful, you minimize how magnetic negative aspects of yourself are and you hook into the joy that you are capable of expanding towards.
What happens if you are not genuinely grateful that this unfortunate event occurred? How can you be grateful for something you find so completely unpleasant? Well, if you are genuinely not grateful for this unfortunate event, ask ‘who inside of me wishes to dwell in this negative pool of energy?’ Explain to the one that comes through, that to remain angry that you were angry is counterproductive to expansion. They will listen and in that, you will calm the soul fragmentation enough to be able to get to the next level of energy. Now, you can address how can you be grateful for something you find completely unpleasant. This is where humans often get bogged down with their logic because if they find that something negative occurred in their life, they think it is punishment. As guides, we do not see it that way. Instead, we see it as a gift, an opportunity for you to finally acknowledge your anger and the underlying beliefs and patterns that have kept you magnetized to this anger. This is the reason to be grateful for adverse events. If it is happening to you, it is happening for you. If it is happening for you, it means it is within your conscious awareness and you are ready to let go of these negative energies that bind you to these circumstances you find so unpleasant. The door to transmutation is open, so to speak. If you take advantage of this golden opportunity to expand your freedom through transmutation of the belief or pattern of the soul fragment, then you will make a quantum leap towards your ascension.
Once you understand that the adverse event is the doorway to your freedom, now you are ready to begin transmutation of what occurred. Often times, when these seemingly random events occur to humans, they genuinely feel it is happening to them, and on some level, that is okay as long as you do not dwell there. Understand what we have taught you time and time again, and it is that you are always on the highest timeline you are capable of and the universe is always conspiring in your favor to put you in this highest timeline. So, recognizing that if it is happening to you, it is also happening for you, will allow you transmute these fragments with much less resistance. The trick to transmutation as has been previously taught in other articles in this forum is to understand what your responsibility is to the underlying belief or pattern that caused the adverse event. There are many parts to this analysis. There is the event, how you felt about the event, the underlying belief or pattern that causes those feelings. Once you are in recognition of that, it is a natural process to understand your responsibility towards those beliefs or feelings. Was it allowed to permeate your being because you gave your power away to a suboptimal belief or pattern? Or perhaps, did you ignore your own judgements that would have allowed you to see a mirror towards your own behavior? It could also be that the belief or pattern, while you know in your heart of hearts is suboptimal to your ascension, validated you on some level and you leaned in to that validation over claiming the expansiveness of your soul centered truth. Whatever the case may be, being in realization of your responsibility to the belief or pattern that is the underlying root cause of the adverse event, will clear out substantial amount of energy. After such realization, you will begin to feel neutral and your intense negative feelings will be transmuted.
How do you now move from neutral to the expansiveness of joy? When you clear out energy in the manner we have taught you above, substantial amounts of light moves into the energetic body. You can take this light and turn it into shadow again or you can take this light and allow it to assist you in leaning in to the expansiveness of joy. What will you choose? No one actively chooses to go back to the shadow but sometimes it occurs. This is what we have called triangulating in this forum, in this blog. If you triangulate, allow it to be okay and simply disaffirm the belief or pattern that causes the triangulation and reaffirm a new story of your life.
What story will you tell yourself? What is the biggest possibility of you? How do you wish to feel about yourself? How do you wish to assist others in feeling when they are around you? To begin to answer these questions and write a new story of your life after you have transmuted heavy energies will assist you in moving into the biggest possibility of you. One thing we would suggest you do during this exercise is to ask the high self to show you the possibilities you can be. You are an infinite being of possibilities. If that is true, what will you choose? Enjoy this process and engage your imagination. Don’t tell yourself what you can’t do, allow yourself to feel what you can be.
So, that is that. Now, we wish to go back and point out something we said we will teach you later. That is, how can you prevent triggering events that you feel adverse about? Some cannot prevented, precisely for what we said. Some of these events are gifts your soul gives to you to free you from your fragmentation. It is the gift of karma. However, some can be minimized if you are cognizant of your daily judgements. Judgements are often mirrors to your own behavior that you are not aware of. What is your judgement mirroring? What beliefs or patterns are within that judgement? In being diligent as to this discernment, you can ascend much more quickly than you otherwise would if you just allowed your judgements to fester and to aggregate into triggering events.
We will teach you a trick that will inspire you to become the biggest possibility of you. After you transmute substantial amounts of energy, there is often a feeling of peace or a feeling of neutrality. What you can do at the precise moment you feel this way is to go deep into meditation and ask the universe to show you snippets of the biggest possibility of you. In your opening, through your transmutation, you will receive grand guidance as to these possibilities. Be open to what comes. What comes may be things you always dreamed of but never allowed yourself to see as possible. Allow. Allow. Allow. Do not resist the biggest possibility of you and you will find that as you begin to lean in to these words or images that the universe sends your way, that synchronicities towards those outcomes will naturally occur.
As you begin to reflect on the new year, and you set your new year’s intentions, begin to think about what you wish to clear and what you wish to replace that energy with. Ask yourself, how do I want to feel about myself? How do I wish people feel when they are around me? Such intentions have power, for once you identify your soul centered truth regarding these two questions, the universe begins to conspire in your favor to make it so.
As always, we are available to you to assist you in understanding the biggest possibility of yourself. Call on our energies for assistance and it will be so. And so it is.