X, who are 55 higher dimensional beings, have a message for us today.  For an introduction to X, please read their first message, Introducing X – Teachers of Universal Ascension. For a list of all of X’s messages, please click on Category –> X.  As per the regular convention of this blog, in italics is the directly channeled message from the guides, verbatim, with no commentary from me.

Update: To learn how to open your lightbody portal as X has referenced in this post, read the blog post, How to Believe in Yourself When You Don’t or take the course, Becoming the Biggest Possibility of You.  Opening up the lightbody portal is covered in the lesson, Anchoring to the Infinite You

Message #11

What we wish to teach you today is how to embrace the new you.  What we are speaking of at this moment is honoring all who you are going to become after Rebirth.  Understand why this is difficult: this is difficult because you have always been who you have been but now you are capable of becoming a new you and you don’t know how to be the new you because you’ve never been the new you.  You have always been the old you.  Do you see this?

At this moment, many of you who will read this are going through the process of Rebirth.  Eventually, you will complete that Rebirth and will become capable of living a life much different than the lives you are currently living.  Understand that there is nothing wrong with the lives you are living now, but who would say no to an upgraded life when it becomes available to them?  Most of you say, not me, yet many of you do say no to your upgraded lives precisely because you do not know it is an upgraded version of who you truly are. 

Today, we are going to answer a difficult question for those who are experiencing the aftermath of Rebirth.  How do you discover what you do not know you do not know?  It’s a conundrum.  The short answer is to allow. The long answer is what we will teach you all today. 

Before we get to the core of our teaching, we wish to teach you what Rebirth is, energetically and physically.  Energetically, a Rebirth is an overhaul of the energetic body.  A Rebirth occurs when the energetic body is so unrecognizable from its old form that the personality truly experiences themselves anew.  Physically, a Rebirth is a bit anticlimactic.  The chances are you will look similar to the old you, though more vibrant and healthier, and you will have relatively the same preferences as before, though this time unsaddled with the suboptimal beliefs and patterns that have created suffering in your life.  What we are saying is that if you liked chocolate chip cookies before Rebirth, likely after Rebirth you will still like chocolate chip cookies, though this time you will be more discerning as to which chocolate chip cookie you will put into your body.  There will be a knowing within you as to which cookie will serve your highest good by way of nutrition but also by way of the energy that cookie brings into your field.  So, our point is that there are physical differences, which are subtle, that belies the dramatic changes in you energetically. 

Now for the core of our teaching.  How do you know how you have changed after Rebirth when, physically, you are largely a similar being?  When preferences haven’t changed dramatically, it’s hard to discover the new you.  The way you discover the new you is by allowing, as we said before.  You can discover all that you are by following your knowing on a day-to-day basis and not engaging in the rigidity that have made you who you have always been.  What do we mean by this?  We will explain. 

Let us say that today you have a nagging feeling that there is something to discover.  Then, you have a sudden need to go to a grocery store that is out of your way.  What we want you to do at this moment of your knowing is to stop and discern if this intuitive hit is soul centered.  Not all of your whims will be, so it is good to check in if this one will lead you to discover the new you.  So that is the first thing we will teach you. 

To understand if this intuitive hit is a soul centered knowing, what you need to do is to tune in to your lightbody portal, as you have been taught in a prior message.  When you tune in to your lightbody portal, there will be a knowing within you if this is soul centered or not.  If at the moment of your opening to your lightbody portal, you feel negativity such as disgust, aversion, or something similar, then this is not an intuitive hit.  If you feel something neutral, this may be an intuitive hit, but you need not act on it urgently and can allow the energy to percolate some more.  If you feel something positive, such as joy, or a feeling of innate rightness and safety within the world, then this is a soul centered knowing.  If you receive that this intuitive hit is a soul centered knowing, then it is good to be flexible with your day and to engage in what you can discover. 

The second thing we will teach you is how to know what you need to discover.  Let us say that this grocery store you felt compelled to go to is a health food store.  When you get in to the store, you are a bit confused because there is nothing you need nor want at this particular store, or so you think.  What you need to do at this moment to be able to step out of who you have always been to who you truly are is to set the intention to be open to discovering the new you.  Say silently to yourself this affirmation:

I am open to discovering the new me, the upgraded me, the soul centered me.

I ask my guidance system to assist me in my knowing at this moment.

I am receptive, I am open, I am joy.

And so it is. 

This affirmation will get you out of the old you and to a matrix of discovery.  After you say this affirmation, then simply walk around and ALLOW yourself to be guided through this store.  As you do this, you find that you are being guided through the incense section of this store.  You are not that knowledgeable about incense, so intellectually you do not know why you feel compelled to look at incense.  Trust your knowing at this moment. 

When you get to the incense section of the store, you are deeply drawn to an incense made in Japan.  The scent it lavender.  When you pick up this incense and smell it, your whole body ripples energetically.  This is resonance and this is the universe’s way of telling you that this is what you came to discover.  Resonance can come in many forms.  It can come as ripples of energy through the body, a pleasurable feeling that is akin to a sense of rightness within the world you are currently stepping into, or it can also come as what we like to call the angel halo, which is when you feel your crown tingle.  The angel halo is your angel’s way of giving you resonance, to give you a signal that this is something to pay attention to.  There are many other ways that you may feel resonance.  When something is resonant, there will be some physical sensation or change within the body and you will innately feel a sense of joy and peacefulness within that sensation. 

Now, that you have discovered what you needed to discover and you have confirmed that discovery by experiencing resonance, how do you now discover what you do with this thing that you have discovered.  This is the third and last thing we wish to teach you today. Again, we want to emphasize that what you are learning in this process is to allow.  To allow is to be in your intuitive knowing.  If after you have purchased the lavender incense, your intellectual mind is spinning on what it could be, we ask you to center yourself at this moment and simply tell yourself, “It is not necessary for me to figure it out, I will be guided.”  This is important because the more you allow, the less energetic tangents must be cleared before you can discover your knowing. 

So, what do you do with this incense?  To discover the next steps of understanding the new you, say this affirmation:

I thank my high self, my guidance system, and source for leading me to this discovery.

I am open and ready to learn about my multidimensionality. 

I allow.  I allow.  I allow.

And so it is. 

After you have said this affirmation, the next step is to wait.  We know. We know.  Some of you humans loathe waiting.  However, understand that patience and allowing come hand in hand.  The reason you need to wait for signals from the universe is that you are co-creating your reality with spirit or source.  Do you understand this?  You are co-creating your reality with your high self, an embodiment of spirit or source.  This means that as you make your day-to-day decisions, you are co-creating with your high self on what you will do with this lavender incense.  It is not to say that one small change in the type of coffee you will have the next day after you have purchased the lavender incense will have a dramatic ripple effect on what you will do with the lavender.  That is not what we are speaking of here.  What we are saying is that as you go through your day-to-day life, you are making decisions as to what you wish your soul-centered life to look like.  These are conversations you are having with your spirit.  Once your high self believes you are settled in your knowing, they will give you the next steps in your knowing. 

This story has no end because it is up to each of you on what kind of capabilities you will open up with your discovery. However, we want to note that what you are discovering with the new you is your multidimensionality and how that multidimensionality will manifest itself on the Earth plane. For this person that discovered they have some capability that has to do with aromatherapy, it could be that they are capable of infusing smell with further healing energy.  The reason we want to stop the story here is that humans will begin to discover their multidimensionality in the next few years and some of these capabilities you have never heard of before.  We cannot, by universal law, steal your thunder.  Do you understand this?  Your multidimensionality is for you to discover.  So, discover away to your heart’s content. 

We will conclude this teaching as we conclude all of our messages and that is to tell you to call on our energies for support and it will be so.  And so it is.