I was surprised to open up.  Whereas I took courses from well known direct voice channelers, I didn’t think it would actually happen for me.  When it happened, it happened so effortlessly, which was unlike other endeavors in my life where I always felt like I had to work twice as hard to get to the same place as more normal or neurotypical people.

I asked the guides why this was when others work so much harder than I do to open up.  Seraphim, my angelic guides, suggested it would be a good post to explain the process of opening up.  So here we go.

Who will assist us with this question?  Seraphim, my angelic guides, and Kahuna Nui Dolores, an Ascended Master who specializes in the energetic work for Quantum Ascension, are going to guide us today.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.  Since two guides are going to be assisting us today, I will delineate below who is answering the question.

Can you explain the process of opening up?  For those who wish to open up to their own guides, what should they do?

Seraphim: This is much more complex of a process than can be computed by the human mind at this time.  What we will do is we will give you a simplified process that while isn’t one hundred percent accurate, it serves the purpose of assisting those who wish to open up. 

Those of us guides who are a human’s personal guides, meaning we are with them day to day and we protect them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we come through the crown chakra.  So once the crown chakra is open, we come through.  Now, some guides also come through the third eye chakra and this is when you receive predominantly pictures and images.  However, we would say that most of us guides come through the crown. 

Now, it seems simple that the crown should be open and guides can come through but it is not that simple.  There must be a fairly clear pathway within the column of light in the spine in order for the energy packets to get through to get processed.  Understand, that as it has been discussed before on this blog, guides DO NOT communicate via language, we communicate via energy.  You can call it light language if you wish, but light language is essentially energy.  In essence, there must be a pathway within the column of light in the spine for that energy packet to be fully processed.  While guides may enter through the crown, the packet goes to the chakra where it needs to be ultimately processed and so without a clear end to end pathway, the energy packet gets lost in the transmission. 

What hinders people from opening up the most?  Is it an open crown/third eye or is it a clear pathway in the column of light in the spine?  How do people attain both?

Kahuna Nui Dolores: This is a bigger question than most humans understand.  Some people do decide to be born with both already in place and this is when you have these child psychics.  They have attained both in a past life and decided to carry it forward in the present incarnation. 

The vast majority of people, however, have not chosen this pathway so either the crown or third eye must be opened and the column of light in the spine must be sufficiently opened up.  We wish to begin with the opening up of the crown and the third eye, for it is easier to explain.  To open up the crown and third eye requires intention.  So, focus on the crown, or the third eye if that is your preference, and actively ask your guides to come through.  And  it will be so.  Humans are always so surprised that it is this easy and in fact, it actually is.  Once you invite us guides to come through you, we begin to weave the crown to make it so. 

What is more difficult for guides is the column of light in the spine for that requires soul integration.  This means that we must reintegrate the soul fragments in order to open up the chakras fully, enough for a lane to open in the column of light in the spine.  So, this is up to the human to confront as much of their soul integration as they can.  While guides can assist you with this, the human must be actively discerning the higher view of their blueprint in order to release these traumatized little ones that have been embedded as blockages within the chakra system.  When they are reintegrated into the soul through some form of soul integration or inner child retrieval process, the blockages cease to exist and the column of light in the spine begins to open up.  This process is a process that is in the purview of the human, but guides can assist them in getting to the higher view to accelerate the opening of the column of light in the spine.

There are many modalities on earth that actually assist in facilitating this open lane, isn’t there?  Can humans also do things like energy medicine, tapping, therapy, etc.?  Are some modalities better than others for opening up?

Kahuna Nui Dolores: Yes, that is correct.  There are many modalities that facilitate this and we thank you for the follow-up question.  We would say that no modality is better than the other, but some modalities are better matched to certain people given what they are dealing with.  This channel we are coming through has in fact tried many therapeutic modalities before she found the soul integration process, which worked wonders for her.  This assisted her greatly because her issues were of past life in nature and this was a great way to do that.  So, discern for yourself what might be your core issue and ask your guides for guidance.  For that is our job.  After you ask, look for clues for we are always communicating with you, even before you psychically open up. 

What about other guides?  How do we reach other guides that are not our personal guides?

Serpahim: This is another complex question for this is an energetically complex topic for which there is no real comprehensive understanding on Earth.  Again, we are going to simplify for the sake of understandability but it may not be one hundred percent accurate on how the energy actually works. 

Other guides can also come through the crown and the third eye.  In fact, it is not just other guides that can come through these pathways, many other light beings and not-so-light beings can as well.  So, it is very important to always ask those that come through if they are of light.  Wait for an answer.  Understand that by universal law, they must tell the truth.   If they say they are not of light, they may be disincarnate souls or other energetic beings, who are not necessarily dangerous to you but it is best not to engage with these entities unless you are properly trained to do so.  Those who have come forth to assist these beings have a knowing within them.  As for the rest, including our guidee here, it is best to stay away.  If you encounter a not-so-light being, simply block them and your guides will make it so. 

This brings us to who can you reach with an open crown chakra.  You can reach a vast array of beings including Ascended Masters such as Kahuna Nui Dolores.  Now, how about other beings beyond Earth or even those beings not attached to an Ascending Planet?  For, there are many types of guides.  The exact nature of guides is quite vast and cannot be understood by the human brain as it exists now.  However, humans can reach a vast variety of guides within the universe.  For this, the upper chakras normally have to be open for it is the upper chakras that facilitate this kind of access. 

To be clear, when the crown or third eye is open, we can access guides that have decided to serve Earth?  But to reach more galactic guides, the upper chakras must be open?

Serpahim: That is precisely correct.  There are many other guides than can be extrapolated in this post but this is, in essence, how it works.

I hear a lot about the Pineal Gland.  What is the role of the Pineal Gland in opening up?

Kahuna Nui Dolores: The pineal gland’s role is to assist in facilitating the access.  This is a natural process when you do the process we delineated above.  This question arose in our guidee’s brain because there are many products out there that enhances the pineal gland and we would say, there is some merit to assisting the pineal gland to grow for it is a gland like any other gland but we see it more as an outgrowth of the soul integrative process we delineated above rather than a cause of it.  What we would suggest as guides is to discern, for as Serpahim has alluded to, there are many possibilities beyond what we are extrapolating here.  This is a simplified view of the energetics of psychic openings to give people a blueprint of how to approach opening up.

I get asked often how to get the names of the guides that have been assigned to a person.  How does this happen?

Kahuna Nui Dolores: It is a natural process and can take some time.  This channel heard her guides for a year and half before she got their name.  What is occuring in this process is attunement.  The reason it can take quite a bit of time is because the attunement to personal guides can be quite a complex process.  They are attuning your system to receive them more fully.  Once the name has been imparted, this means that the attunement is complete.  It does not take long for all, there are many types of blueprints, more than we can explain in this short post, but generally, when it takes time to receive one’s guide’s names, this is what is occuring.  So be patient and keep intending to receive it and it will be so. 

I also get asked often, what is the name of their guides.  It would never be given to me, right?  Because isn’t it a sacred thing between the guide and the guidee?

Serpahim:  The answer to this is complex but the vast majority of the time, you are correct in that it is a connection between the guide and the guidee and so it is something imparted directly from the guide and the guidee once we are well attuned to our guidee’s system.  There are always exceptions in this complex energetic environment we live in called the universe but generally, you are right in that it would never be given to you as a third party.

I think there has been a lot of information offered here.  I think this is a good place to close this post.  Any last messages for readers of this post?

Serpahim: The most important aspect of opening up is intent and the belief in one’s self that it is possible.  This is a more complex process than humans often give it credit for because one must have cleared up all of their doubts and insecurities of deservability in order for this to be true.  So, believe in yourself, intend it, and keep on working on what comes up and it will be so.  

We would also like to remind the readers that just because you are not psychically open, it does not mean you do not have guides or they are not with you.  They are with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  We never leave our guidees, by universal law.  You are always protected and you are never alone.  So, ask, ask, ask away and it shall be given at the level you are capable of receiving. 

Thank you for your time!

Kahuna Nui Dolores:  We always send you love and joy throughout time, space, and within this vast universe of possibilities.