In my meditation this morning, the guides taught me the path of integration as we move to higher and higher dimensions. What they told me was very consequential for my understanding of my own ascension so I thought I’d capture it in a blog and share it.

Who will assist us today?   Metatron, an angel of alchemical mastery, and Seraphim, my angelic guides who specialize in assisting humans with quantum leaps, will assist us today.  Beneath the question in italics is exactly what I hear from the guides, verbatim.

What is a soul fragment?  Why do we need to integrate these soul fragments?

Seraphim: This is a good place to start.  Soul fragments are those aspects of self that are not in line with your soul note.  Your soul note is the totality of who you are across time and space.  This is the I am.  The god source that you are.  The pureness of the totality of all of your incarnations across time and space.  This is the center of who you are if you could see yourself in the matrix of all of creation.

So, why are there fragments that are not in line with the divinity of the I am?  It comes from repeated incarnations where it was difficult for the incarnate soul to reach the I am.  The purpose of any incarnation on Earth or any other ascending planet is to affirm the totality of who you are.  In this affirmation, expansion occurs.  We repeat.  In affirming the divinity of who you are, expansion occurs.  When this expansion does not occur and the personality self is not able to reach the I am during an incarnation, a soul fragment occurs.  A soul fragment is the product of identity that is not within the divinity of the I am and that identity is the product of an aggregate of belief systems that are not in line with your soul note.  In turn, when the personality empowers a belief system that is not within their soul note and they are not aware of it because they are marred by the density of earth, the high self often calls for triggering events to make them aware.  When the personality persists in empowering the belief system, the triggering event can sometimes become large enough to ‘shatter’ a soul – literally, fragmenting them from the whole of the I am in order to protect the divinity of one’s soul note.  So, they are wrapped in amber until the personality can finally deal with its integration by affirming a belief system that is in line with the soul note and disaffirming the belief that is not.  That is, the personality must come into awareness of where they stepped off their blueprint and begin the process of acceptance and forgiveness for the traumatic event that caused a soul fragmentation.

How is integration different as we move through higher and higher dimensions?

Metatron:  Before we begin that discussion, let us educate readers about the changes the energetic body undertakes as it moves through higher and higher dimensions.  We will begin with the 3rd dimension, for the 3rd dimension is the creation of the physical body.  The 4th dimension, which is where all humans are, is the process of ascension through which humans integrate these triggering events that was previously elucidated by Seraphim. This is the space of the auric or etheric body.  The 5th dimension is where the lightbody integrates.  Here, the nature of integration is to reconcile the belief systems of the aggregate of soul fragments throughout time and space.  The lightbody is very special because it is the part of the soul that exists beyond the veil.  When the lightbody integrates, one becomes naturally connected to All That Is, including their guidance system.  Lightbody integration is why this channel we are coming through at this moment became highly clairaudient and claircognizant.  The 6th dimension is the seat of the luminous body.  The luminous body is where creation becomes instantaneous and where humans finally feel the freedom they crave.  The integration of the 6th dimension is to become one with the divinity of the I am.  At this level of integration, humans begin to reconcile all their personality selves, all of their identities and integrates them as one with their soul note.  This is an integration that will likely take a lifetime to complete, if not several lifetimes.  Should a soul be able to complete this in this lifetime, the 7th dimensionary aspect of self begins to integrate.  As of this writing in the year of 2023, we do not anticipate any 7th dimension integrations, though, this could change should humanity decide to move faster through their integration.  In the 7th dimension, the soul begins to take the pureness of their soul note and begins the process of integrating it to the god source.  They are no longer an I am but a we.  We repeat.  The soul is no longer an I am but a we.  The integration of the 7th dimension is the integration of the totality of the matrix of who has been and integrating that to universal consciousness – to the matrix of the we of all of creation.  This is hard to grasp for humans for their conception of linear time makes it difficult for them to understand the matrix of all of creation.  But we see that humanity will ascend to this level and we are preparing humanity for that occurrence. 

To make it practical for humans, can we go through how to integrate soul fragments by dimension?  Let’s start with the 3rd dimension.

Seraphim: Most humans are past the integration of the 3rd dimension, however, you do not move up the rung of integration in a discrete manner as might be understood by humans.  You are integrating all dimensions at the same time.  When we say you are integrating at the 5th dimension, for example, this simply means that you are in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimension all at once.  So, understanding integration all the way to the third dimension is useful for diagnosing your own soul lessons. 

In the 3rd dimension, the soul fragmentation is that of attachment to the material world.  This is the belief of hierarchy and of worthiness that is tied to material things. This is the belief that humanity and all of the contents of Gaia is a commodity to be bought and sold for a price.  That attachment to price and the resulting emotions of worthiness that arises from a simple number is the integration of the 3rd dimension.

What is the nature of the integration to the 4th and 5th dimension?

Seraphim: The 4th and 5th dimension can be seen as synergistic to one another.  We go through the clearing of the 4th dimension in order to integrate the lightbody, the 5th dimensionary aspect of self.  As Metatron has explained, the purpose of the lightbody is to learn how to exist beyond the veil in order to be able to reach the higher dimensional aspects of self.  This is very important for many humans because it activates your multidimensionality and the resulting gifts of that multidimensionality, such as the activation of spiritual guidance or bringing forth an energetic modality of some kind, either for healing or for manifestation. 

In the 4th dimension, you are integrating the triggering events we spoke of previously.  These triggering events are usually an outgrowth of 3rd dimensionary beliefs about the hierarchical nature of humanity as a commodity. When humans are unable to disaffirm this during an incarnation repeatedly, the high self begins to devise triggering events to make them aware.  In your persistence of walking off your blueprint, the high self begins the process of stopping you in order for you not to contract and this pause can sometimes be traumatic for people causing a shattering of this aspect of self.  So, the integration of the 4th dimension is the integration of these triggering events.  It is a process of acceptance and forgiveness for all that transpired.

In the integration to the 5th dimension, you begin to reconcile the belief systems that caused the triggering events.  These are belief systems that are not in line with your soul note, the frequency of you in the totality of All That Is. In integrating these belief systems, you get to more granularity of understanding as to what your soul note is because you begin to understand what it is not through your integration.  The process of integrating the lightbody should give you a clearer understanding of who you are in the context of All That Is.  Each belief system you integrate as not compatible with your soul note will give you insight as to the belief system that is in line with your particular soul note.  So, taking stock of your integration over time as you go through them will give you increasing clarity as to that soul note. 

What is the nature of the integration to the 6th dimension?

Seraphim: The integration to the 6th dimensionary aspects of self, as Metatron has explained, has to do with the integration of all of your identities and personalities through the matrix of time and space to the divinity of the I am.  You are becoming one with your soul note.  So, humans can think of this as the reconciliation of the aggregate of belief systems from the integration to the 5th dimension that has manifested themselves as identities or personalities.  In the integration of these identities and personalities to the I am, the incarnate soul, the personality or small self, becomes its soul note while on Earth.  This is a beautiful accomplishment of grand proportions.  This is where you sing your song beautifully and you are assisted by angels and guides in singing that song.  As  Metatron alluded to, this may take several lifetimes to accomplish but once it is accomplished, there is a feeling of grand freedom and peacefulness within the joyfulness of one’s soul note. 

What is the nature of the integration to the 7th dimension?

Seraphim: In the same way integration to the 4th dimension prepares one for the integration to the 5th dimension, the integration to the 6th dimension prepares one to integrate to the 7th dimension, which is the integration of one’s soul note to All That Is.  Understanding of this level of integration requires the further breakdown of linear time, which is now occurring but is not complete.  So, we will defer this conversation at a later time when it can be understood by the human mind. 

Any last messages before we close this post?

Metatron: Do not think of the dimensions in terms of hierarchy, think of it in terms of process.  One who is integrating to the 6th dimension through the luminous body is not better than the person who is integrating to the 4th dimension.  Souls simply chose a different dimension to integrate to because that is where their learning is at.  The dimension you are integrating to is not indicative of your advancement as a soul in terms of the totality of a soul’s capability.  It simply means that the dimension you chose is the process that is best for you to perform given what you have left to learn with your Earthly incarnations.  See people as people and honor one another where they are at without judgement. 

Thank you for time and energy!

Seraphim: We honor you for your commitment to ascension.  Call on this energy to move through difficult boulders that bring you to higher dimensional awareness.  We wrap you in a cocoon of deep unconditional love as we support your higher dimensional journey.  And so it is.