X, who are 55 higher dimensional beings, have a message for us today.  For an introduction to X, please read Introducing X – Teachers of Universal Ascension. As per the regular convention of this blog, in italics is the directly channeled message from the guides, verbatim, with no commentary from me.

Message #3

We are coming to you today at this beautiful gateway in the channel’s home state called Ka’ena Point.  This is a magnificent space of rebirth, a powerful amplification of energies to birth the new and let go of the old. 

The story of human incarnation can be told through the energies of this gateway.  When the old is no longer needed, it is not discarded, it is honored for the service it has performed and then transmuted to be birthed into the new.  Many times, humans manifest and clear through struggle and at some point, feel sour about these old energies that they believe have weighed them down that they forget that the old energies have been critical for them to get to this level of ascension, the current level of peace they feel in their being.  It’s important to honor these energies and to be grateful for the struggle you perceive they have caused for without the struggle, your level of awareness would not be where it is today.  This is the work of Earth.  As you thank these old energies, the manifestation of rebirth will become grander, and you will enter a space of ease and grace much more rapidly than if you feel that you needed to kick them out to the curve.  Good riddance, to these energies that have made my life difficult!  This is not honoring all they have assisted you with and recognizing that they have worked very hard for you to reach your level of ascension.  Honor these fragments for honoring them is honoring yourself.  Be grateful for the totality of your experience and you will be on your way to a quantum leap. 

Many of you that will read this article have well-formed intellects.  So much so that you take pride in how smart you are, how much facts you know, and how well you solve the problems you have been saddled with.  That is good.  Be grateful for that gift.  But there is a difference between being grateful for that gift and worshipping it at the cost of bringing in the new.  How do you know you are worshipping your intellect?  The short answer is attachment.  The long answer is that it is inherently part of your identity.  I am the smart one.  I am the educated one.  I am advanced in my thinking.  Identity, you see, is one of the initial phases of attachment.  So, that is that. 

Trusting the process is inherently about being in your soul centered self.  It is not that the intellect does not have a role to play in getting to your soul centered self, but it is to say that it should not be the go to point of your decision making when your intent is to make decisions with your soul centered self, the I am self that is incarnate on Earth. 

When examining your decision making, you are really asking if it is right action and right timing.  When the soul centered self is in agreement as to their beliefs to the answer to these questions, it is not difficult to trust the process.  If it is right action but not right timing, there is delay.  When it is not right action, there will never be a time when it will be right timing.  It’s important to accept that this will not manifest.  In this article, we wish to address when the answers to these two questions are different for the intellectual self, and the soul centered self. 

When you are trusting in the process, your life flows.  There is ease and grace in the way in which you approach what comes forth.  This does not mean there are no obstacles, delays, or wobbles in your journey, but it does mean that if what you wish to attain or accomplish is right timing and right action, and these impediments show up in your efforts to manifest what you want, that they will dissipate as soon you are aware of the soul lesson it wishes you to learn. 

So, let us say that there is a man that wishes to be in a new relationship.  We will say it again, the challenge of manifestation on the Earth plane is that if you were already a vibrational match to what you wish to manifest, you would already have it or accomplish it.  If there is a wanting, that likely means you are not yet a vibrational match and there is some work to do to magnetize your desires to you.  So, this man wishes to be in a relationship with a woman, who unbeknownst to him reciprocates his interest.  Now, understand that we are not using a heterosexual couple as a means to exclude other types of relationships.  If you are of same sex orientation, please feel free to modify our example to suit your highest good.  So, that is that. 

Let’s get back to our story.  The first step for this man to be in a relationship with this woman would be for him to interact with her.  So, let us say he understands this, believes it is right action and right timing to do so.  He makes a plan to talk to her, but each time there looks like an opportunity to do so, there is an interruption to his efforts.  He gets an urgent phone call from his boss.  His attention is diverted by a friend who wishes to speak to him.  Whatever the case may be, the universe is telling the man that there is hidden information he does not know.  There is energy to reconcile, and this pause is for his highest good.  Why?  Because it buys him time to be in awareness.  You see, if the universe did not intervene at this time, the likelihood is that this man and this woman have shared soul lessons that would contract their souls, should they get together at this time.  The universe is always conspiring in your favor.  So, if it is stopping you, or pausing you, it is for your highest good.  If at the moment of the stoppage you cannot accept that this is the case, be grateful that you have recognized that there is a soul fragment that requires integration.  Then, integrate the soul fragment.  Why are they angry that the universe is doing them a favor?  What is the root cause of their attachment?  Understand them for what they tell you and integrate what needs to be transmuted.   

In our story, we are going to tell you the nature of the stoppage and its root cause but understand that the man is not aware of this in the moment.  It is the “answer” that will lift his delay.  The reason the man is being delayed is that in a past life, these two have been in relationship, and in that relationship, there has been past life anger that borders on abuse.  What is the antidote to this soul fragment?  It is harnessing your own self-love by honoring self and giving yourself what you need to feel whole.  Allowing yourself to feel special, not from a place of ego but from the soul centered self. If we look at this man’s life, we see that he is a workaholic who does not have boundaries with his job.  Hence, why the interruption was an urgent matter with his boss.  We also see that there are people pleasing tendencies within him such that he does not have boundaries in his personal life.  This is why when the friend called for his assistance, he allowed the divergence.  What we are trying to teach you, is how to interpret what the universe is telling you.  The source of the interruption of energy is not random, it is telling you the story of your multidimensional life. 

How is this man supposed to become aware of what he needs to figure out?  By examining how he truly feels and not suppressing it.  You see, the intellectual mind is highly susceptible to soul fragmentation.  When his boss called, his intellectual mind went into high performance mode.  His soul centered self desired to give and feel love.  So, you see, there is a divergence.  If the soul fragment that takes pride in being a high performer squashes the soul’s desire for connection, he is exacerbating this energetic blockage.  We hope you can feel compassion for the dilemma of this man.  Your society tells you that hard work is good, some cultures in your planet makes it a must and makes those with work life balance feel wrong. Sacrifice is good, it is virtuous.  The man’s intellectual mind may believe this, but his heart does not agree.  How does he know? He is willing to do what his boss has requested him to do but feel irritation at it.  He is forcing himself to be a good worker at the expense of what he truly wants.  What we are teaching you is that when something is right timing and right action, that there would be no discordance.  You would feel a rightness to what must be done and there is acceptance in your heart that it is for your higher good.  So, when there is discordance that show up as an interruption to your desires, honor it and ask the universe what it is trying to make you aware of for your highest good. 

Some reading this need closure of a good story so we will acquiesce to this request.  The way to transmutation for this man is to begin to make fully authentic decisions that are rooted in his soul centered self.  Perhaps he must do what the boss asks of him this time.  To open his energy centers back in flow, however, he must begin to take steps to have more work life balance and have boundaries with his boss as to the timing of his projects and the magnitude of his workload.  This is him giving himself the self-love he needs to be able to open the channels to talk to this woman.

We will use our second example of people pleasing to synthesize what we just taught.  First, the man must recognize that his friend’s interruption has blocked his attaining what he desires, to have the opportunity to have a conversation with this woman.  Second, he must become aware that the interruption is meaningful.  That is, the universe is communicating to him the nature of the soul lesson based on how he feels about the nature of the interruption.  At the moment his friend called, he felt a disappointment as to the interruption but answered the call anyway.  He would know he is people pleasing because he would have some attachment at not wanting his friend to feel any discordance towards him.  Third, in his recognition, he must take steps to transmute the soul lesson by making fully authentic decisions rooted in his soul centered self.  That is, begin to set boundaries with friends regarding his time and energy.  It would assist him to honor the soul fragment for their people pleasing tendencies because at one point or another in multidimensional time, this soul fragment has kept him safe by keeping the peace in a volatile environment prone to bursts of anger. 

Once the man takes these steps, relief will wash through him.  That relief will show up in the physical world as ease and grace, not just by way of his desire to court this woman but in other struggles of his life for which these two soul lessons have been a source of blockage.  He will find that when he transmutes the energy and he’s back in the flow of his life, that a chance meeting will show up with this woman without him needing to effort to make it happen.  This is the universe finally telling him that it is right action and right timing to begin to court this woman he so desires. 

Now, how does it look like if what the man desired was not right action to begin with?  Well, after he transmutes these two soul lessons, he keeps getting blocked from communicating with her.  These blockages don’t feel discordant to him, and in fact, he welcomes it.  Perhaps, in one instance he is interrupted by being invited to front row seats at his favorite stand-up comedian.  And in another instance, he is invited to a dinner party where he has the time of his life.  In this case, what does the man need to do to begin to open his energy centers back into flow?  He needs to become aware that the universe is diverting him.  This should not take any effort on his part, as the high self will make it known to him through his thoughts and feelings.  Perhaps during the dinner party, a friend mentions to him that this woman he thinks he is interested in loves the opera and he absolutely loathes such activities.  Or during the ride to see the stand-up comedian, another friend tells him that she is a bit of a homebody and does not like to eat out much, preferring to stay home.  He, on the other hand, loves the outdoors and is a bit of a food connoisseur who enjoys dining out.  Again, the source of interruption is often not random.  If he notices what he notices, then he can put the picture together and discern that he is probably not as compatible with this woman as he thinks. 

So, how does this story end beautifully if this man and this woman is not meant to be?  At the moment of his discernment, it would assist him to acknowledge and clarify to the universe what he wishes in a relationship.  Has he thought about it?  Is he clear on what he is looking for in a woman and how these qualities he desires in a partner is for his highest good?  When he gets clear about this, the universe will begin to instantly give him what he desires.  That is, when he becomes a vibrational match to his desires, it will show up in his life with no efforting required on his part.  This does not necessarily mean that a woman will ask him out, though it is possible, but it does mean that there will be ample opportunities to speak to a woman that meets his critera and to get to know her, so that he can vet his hypothesis that they are a match.

The art of allowing is a complex one.  Trusting the process doesn’t mean you wait at your couch for the opportunity you desire.  If you do, you may never leave your couch.  Trusting the process and allowing doesn’t mean there are no interruptions or hiccups on your way to manifestation.  Trusting the process is about continued discernment as to your experience and being diligent about the soul lessons that arises.  Do not be afraid of these soul lessons.  Tackle them with love and as you do, wait, and allow the universe to open for you.  You will find that when you have transmuted the soul lesson, that no efforting is required on your part to manifest.  Efforting is a sign of attachment, it is you, the human, dictating to the universe what you deserve right now.  So, take the time to take stock of these attachments and integrate the soul fragments as necessary. 

We wish to acknowledge that it isn’t the case that you can’t get lucky and what you desire falls in your lap.  This is possible.  Anything is possible, especially when you are making quantum leaps.  However, our desire in this teaching is to highlight those tricky soul lessons when the desire of the soul centered self diverges from the desire of the intellectual mind. 

We are assisting in your journey to the peacefulness you desire.  To be in your soul centered self is to be in your truth.  Call on our energies for assistance and we will envelope you in the love you need to be in allowance of trusting process of your life.  It is an art that can be mastered, and we are assisting you in this journey.