The Universe is always conspiring in your favor.


Category: Discernment

Envisioning for 2025

Envisioning is the process of seeing some joyful vision in your mind’s eye, first, then allowing the universe to assist you in making that vision into physical reality. Envisioning is a spiritual art that requires the utmost soul centeredness. Again, we will repeat that because it is very important. To properly envision, it requires the utmost soul-centeredness.

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X – New Beginnings for a New Year

What we wish to teach you today is how to harness energy for your new year’s intentions, these things you call new year’s resolutions.  We wish for you to call them intentions for that is what they are.  For these intentions to be efficacious, you need to harness the energy of your intentions through action or through clarification of your intention.  

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How to Overcome Fear with Ease and Grace

Energetically, fear is a stoppage, it is a pause.  So, when you feel fear, and it stops you from what you believe is your highest good, take a moment to take stock and discern if your instincts are correct.  Is what you wish to do right action?  Is it right timing?  Journaling will assist you in understanding authentically what is in your soul centered truth.  This is because the body knows, and the body becomes uncomfortable when you as the personality is trying to push it in an inauthentic path. 

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X – The Art of Trusting the Process

The story of human incarnation can be told through the energies of this gateway. When the old is no longer needed, it is not discarded, it is honored for the service it has performed and then transmuted to be birthed into the new. Many times, humans manifest and clear through struggle and at some point, feel sour about these old energies that they believe have weighed them down that they forget that the old energies have been critical for them to get to this level of ascension, the current level of peace they feel in their being. It’s important to honor these energies and to be grateful for the struggle you perceive they have caused for without the struggle, your level of awareness would not be where it is today. This is the work of Earth.

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