Category: Self Love
Reframing Failure to Make a Quantum Leap
Posted by Maricar | Jun 28, 2023 | Attachment, Failure, Metatron, Quantum Leap, Raphael, Rigidity, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
Discerning Between the Need for Validation and Tru...
Posted by Maricar | Jun 14, 2023 | Ascension, Attachment, Jacqui, Rigidity, Self Love, Soul Fragmentation | 0
Overcoming an Attachment to an Identity of Conventional Success
by Maricar | Mar 6, 2025 | Abandonment, Attachment, Metatron, Self Love, Soul Fragmentation | 0
You are a wayshower. When you are a wayshower, sometimes conventional success will elude you. Why? It is because being a wayshower sometimes requires you to be unconventional and when you regularly seek the validation that comes with conventional success, it may derail your pathway to becoming the wayshower that you are. Do you see this?
Read MoreReclaiming Joy by Shedding a Belief in Hierarchy
by Maricar | Feb 26, 2025 | Abandonment, Avoidance, Intentions, Rebirth, Self Love, Soul Fragmentation, Xavier | 0
Why is abandonment the root cause of the need to believe in societal hierarchy? It is in being abandoned, foremost, that you begin to relegate yourself to conditional love. This is an important point and it is a very nuanced one. The need to climb is painful because it is, on the inner, you relegating yourself to conditional love. I will be okay when ______. No, you are okay now, as you are. I will be beautiful when I lose 20 lbs. No, you are beautiful now. I will be successful when I finish my degree. No, if you believe in yourself now, you will be successful now. If you do not believe in yourself now, no amount of earning degrees will assist you in believing in yourself.
Read MoreWhen the Shadow is the Personality
by Maricar | Feb 13, 2025 | Ascension, Awareness, Rebirth, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
What we are pointing you to is to become aware of what drives the personality. Is what drives the personality inspiration? Or is what drives the personality motivation? What is the difference? When you are inspired, you do simply because you must and you must because being in joy in not negotiable to you. When you are motivated, you do because you must and you must because it is better than some alternative. Do you see the difference?
Read MoreWhat You Learn From Failure
by Maricar | Jan 23, 2025 | Failure, Quantum Leap, Rebirth, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation | 0
We want to teach you all today what you can learn from failure. That is, many who are stupendously successful understand that mastering failure is a prerequisite to success. However, some discourses on your plane that espouses a conventional view of success often belie a reality where, more often than not, breakthroughs are facilitated by severe breakdowns, or what some of you reading this perceive to be failure.
Read MoreX – The Art of Forgiveness
by Maricar | Mar 28, 2024 | Avoidance, Forgiveness, Karma, Self Love, Soul Fragmentation, X | 0
This is when we teach about forgiveness, true forgiveness. How do you forgive? Let us begin by what you are taught on the earth plane. On Earth, as humans, you are taught that the husband needs to forgive the wife. Understand why this works. This works because as the husband forgives his wife, he is really forgiving himself. When he forgives her for acting on their shared attractant, he is really forgiving himself. This is a much slower way of forgiving than what we are about to teach you.
Read MoreX – Finding Joy Within
What we wish to teach you all today is that this feeling of joy comes from unconditional self-love. The more you love yourself unconditionally, the easier it is for you to feel joy. When we speak of Joy, we are speaking of that space where you hold the All That Is in the highest vibration you are capable of. This means that you do not hold anything in judgement. You hold it, instead, in unconditional love.
Read MoreEnhancing Your Soul-Centeredness as a Law Student
by Maricar | Jan 5, 2024 | Discernment, Fear, Law School, Life Purpose, Self Love, Vocation | 0
It’s challenging to be in our soul-centeredness while undertaking a legal education because the...
Read MoreX – New Beginnings for a New Year
by Maricar | Dec 28, 2023 | Ascension, Discernment, Intentions, Manifestation, Quantum Leap, Self Love, X | 0
What we wish to teach you today is how to harness energy for your new year’s intentions, these things you call new year’s resolutions. We wish for you to call them intentions for that is what they are. For these intentions to be efficacious, you need to harness the energy of your intentions through action or through clarification of your intention.
Read MoreThe Road to Recovery from an Addiction to Validation
by Maricar | Dec 15, 2023 | Attachment, Metatron, Self Love, Seraphim, Soul Fragmentation, Xavier | 0
I woke up this morning and felt guided to ask the guides about this topic. Let’s see what...
Read MoreX – Loving Yourself to Make a Quantum Leap
For humanity, the easiest way to make a quantum leap to achieve one’s desired outcomes is by loving self unconditionally. Humans do not always understand what this means because they don’t know what it feels like to love oneself unconditionally. Precisely, because you don’t know how it feels until you have actually done it and most humans think their outcomes are love. Let us explain what we mean by this. I got a promotion, I must have loved myself enough to achieve it. I got in to that prestigious school I have always dreamt of going to. I must have done that by loving myself. I am in a new relationship, I must have loved myself enough to attract that. Yes, some of this might be true, but our core point in this teaching is that your outcome is not love. It is that humans love themselves when their outcomes are doing well, but they often ignore or malign themselves when their outcomes are not doing well. That is, their outcomes are not validating according to society’s standards.
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- Abandonment
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- X
- Xavier