The Universe is always conspiring in your favor.


Category: X

Why Do We Fear Success?

When an aspect of self has been hurt by your success, then it begins to conspire against you to be successful. How can this be? There are many variations of different blueprints but we will highlight those reasons that are relevant to those who will eventually read this message. Soul fragments can become disenchanted with success when that success has been hurtful to them. This includes behaviors such as overworking, pushing too hard, taking actions beyond the limits of authenticity of the soul centered self, and substantial people pleasing to earn that success.

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X – How to Make a Quantum Leap by Being Grateful for Self

We want to teach you all today how to be grateful for yourself.  Before we do that, we want to explain to you, energetically, why this is important.  Imagine that your energetic body is a ball of energy.  This ball of energy has a set point of vibration.  Within this vibration, there are frequencies you can access.  Gratefulness ascends you to the highest frequency you are capable of and beyond that.  Gratefulness is that thing which raises your frequency.  When you raise your frequency enough, it has the potential to raise your vibration, your set point of magnetism in this life.  This is why gratefulness is important and why we want to teach you how to make a quantum leap through your gratefulness.

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X – How to Move Forward After Rebirth

Rebirth, as we have taught you all in the past, is a substantial change in one’s energetic body. That is, the energetic body is so transformed such that it is unrecognizable compared to its previous form. This means that the energetic body’s point of attraction in nearly all areas of life or in one deep area of life is completely changed.

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How to Release Difficult Energies

Why are ancestral energies difficult energies to transmute and release? Essentially, because you are carrying a lot of energies in one session and you may be carrying it for your entire ancestral line. Not just those that are alive and incarnate at the moment, but all of your ancestry in the timeline you are currently in.

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X – The New You

What we wish to teach you today is what multidimensionality has to do with the new you.  You see, humanity is currently undergoing a transformation.  Many of you are beginning to open up to your multidimensionality.  What do we mean by multidimensionality?  Multidimensionality has to do with your energetic capabilities that transcends time and space. 

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X – Embracing the New You

What we wish to teach you today is how to embrace the new you.  What we are speaking of at this moment is honoring all who you are going to become after Rebirth.  Understand why this is difficult: this is difficult because you have always been who you have been but now you are capable of becoming a new you and you don’t know how to be the new you because you’ve never been the new you.  You have always been the old you.  Do you see this?

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X – The Art of Forgiveness

This is when we teach about forgiveness, true forgiveness.  How do you forgive?  Let us begin by what you are taught on the earth plane.  On Earth, as humans, you are taught that the husband needs to forgive the wife.  Understand why this works.  This works because as the husband forgives his wife, he is really forgiving himself.  When he forgives her for acting on their shared attractant, he is really forgiving himself.  This is a much slower way of forgiving than what we are about to teach you. 

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X – Finding Joy Within

What we wish to teach you all today is that this feeling of joy comes from unconditional self-love.  The more you love yourself unconditionally, the easier it is for you to feel joy.  When we speak of Joy, we are speaking of that space where you hold the All That Is in the highest vibration you are capable of.  This means that you do not hold anything in judgement.  You hold it, instead, in unconditional love. 

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X – New Year, New You

A new year is a good time to revisit a new you.  Not in a way that dishonors who you have been and who you feel you are currently, but in a way that gets you excited about the biggest possibility of you.  Who is this person that is the biggest possibility of you?  How do they feel about themselves?  How do others feel around them?  How they react to the circumstances of their lives, both those they perceive to be positive and those they perceive to be negative?  Understand what we are teaching you at this moment.  We are teaching how to begin telling yourself the story of the biggest possibility of you and in telling yourself this story, it will become much easier to move into this expansive space of joy that embodies the biggest possibility you can be.

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X – New Beginnings for a New Year

What we wish to teach you today is how to harness energy for your new year’s intentions, these things you call new year’s resolutions.  We wish for you to call them intentions for that is what they are.  For these intentions to be efficacious, you need to harness the energy of your intentions through action or through clarification of your intention.  

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X – Navigating Crossroads

What we will do in this message is to prepare you for the coming New Year. The New Year is a good time for new beginnings, to access the rebirth of the completions of this year 2023, which has been, for many of you, a year of clearing out those things that no longer serve your highest good. It’s important for you to honor the hard inner work that has been elicited in this year of 2023. You moved substantial amounts of energies, some that have been very old and have held you back for multiple incarnations. You see, Earth is preparing for a renaissance of itself and to do that, it must assist you in shedding these energies that no longer serve you or humanity. For in shedding these energies, you rise and everyone rises. You see, when one of you rises, all of you rise. We will repeat that because it is very important. When one of you rises, all of you rise. This is because you are all One.

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X – How to Release Attachment to Identity

We come forward with a message for you all today to teach you how to release your attachment to identity. Before we do that, we wish to educate you on what identity is. Identity is the first level of attachment, you understand? I am the one who is good at school. I am the one who is bad at school. I am the rebel. I am the saint. I am the one who strives. I am the one who takes it easy. I am the one who reaches my potential at all costs. I am the one who avoids my potential at all costs. What we hope you see in these statements is that you are not always aware you hold a certain identity. Almost no human gets up in the morning wanting to harm themselves, yet many of you do by holding on to identities that do not serve you. I am the one who _________. This is identity. You feel you must be this person. There is nothing wrong with some of these statements, yes, but what needs to clear is your unguarded attachment to these identities, to your identities that no longer serve you.

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